About The Author
Patrick Whitener
Marketing Coordinator
Author Details:
Email: whitenerpatrick94@gmail.com
Posts: 22
Joined: 09/12/2019
Location: Hollywood, FL
Interests: SEO, personal finance, the internet!
Author Bio:

Buying Bulk Flash Drives With Your Logo
April 14th, 2021
The in and outs of purchasing large orders of branded flash drives direct from a manufacturer.

20 Frequently Asked Questions About USB Flash Drives
March 3rd, 2021
We set out to find and answer the 20 most frequently asked, bigger-friendly questions about USB flash drives. But even if you're a USB vet, who knows, you might pick up something new.

Flash Drive vs SD card: Which is better?
January 25th, 2021
USB flash drives and SD cards are likely the two most popular devices using flash memory today. But, how are they each being used and which is best for your project?

What is USB Write Caching?
January 12th, 2021
When working with flash drives, even occasionally, you'll want to understand the strengths and weaknesses of write caching. Take a look at our latest guide for a quick but thorough overview.

10 Factors to Consider When Buying Branded USB Flash Drives
October 27th, 2020
It's not uncommon for a new client to be a bit taken aback by all the options that go into choosing their branded flash drives. This post takes you through the most important factors to consider during the process with plenty of helpful tips along the way.

10 of Our Favorite Custom Flash Drives
October 13th, 2020
After creating thousands of custom flash drives over 15 years we decided to catalog ten of our favorite projects in one glorious blog post.
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