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About The Author

Nicholas Moller
Vice President
Author Details:
Posts: 8
Joined: 09/15/2006
Location: Miami, FL
Interests: Programming, Basketball, Fishing, Marketing
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Author Bio:
I have a passion for video games and technology. Throughout the years I have transferred that passion into the business world, especially in the realm of workflow automation. No small business is without those who double duty and I fall into the realm of those who wear many hats. My all time favorite hats though are online marketing and software development, even more so if I have the opportunity to combine the two.
Open Source @ USB Memory Direct

10 Years of Open Source at USB Memory Direct

Today marks our ten year anniversary of using Open Source software. We have learned so many things about Open Source throughout the years, most significant of all is how important it has been to the success of our business. Without our accidental discovery of Ubuntu a decade ago and our brazen disregard for industry IT norms we might not be the company we are now.
Rising Cost of USB Flash Drives

The Rising Cost of Tiny Flash Drives

Most people look at flash drives as simple little electronics products. In reality Flash drives are a commodity much like wheat, gold, and gasoline. Like those things USB flash drives are not exempt from the volatile world of supply and demand. As the global stock of flash drives dwindles so the cost of those flash drives rises. However, it is not exactly true to call a USB Flash Drive a commodity. The flash drive itself isn't the commodity, but what they are made of is. So what exactly is inside a flash drive?
551 USB Flash Drives donated to Flash Drives for Freedom

551 Flash Drives are joining the fight thanks to you!

We had an overwhelming response during SXSW from supporters all over the world. Together we were able to give 551 USB flash drives to Flash Drives for Freedom, which are on their way to North Korea right this moment. Follow us on social media in order to contribute next time!
Tweet for Freedom. Use Twitter to help fight North Korea.

Use Twitter to help us and Flash Drives For Freedom fight North Korea

It has been a year since we partnered with Flash Drives for Freedom and we have collected thousands of drives, but we still need more. So this year for SXSW we are taking to social and asking you guys to help us! Help us fight North Korea by Tweeting @usbmemorydirect with the hashtag #FlashDrivesForFreedom and we will donate a drive on your behalf.
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