About Custom Volume Label
Your volume label will be the name allocated to your Flash Drives which will be displayed when a user inserts the drive; we can change this label for you so that the devices are named whatever you'd like. Similar to adding a unique drive icon, this service is an additional way to customize your drives ensuring they are presented in the most appealing manner possible while making them easily identifiable.
The process
Simply ask your account representative to customize your drives with a volume label and we'll handle the rest!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this work on Mac OSX?
Yes! Since volume labels are part of the hardware they appear on all system types not just Mac and Windows.
What characters can I use?
We recommend Letters, Numbers, and Spaces. However, you can use any characters you want
excluding the following:
? / \ | . , ; : + = [ ] < > "
How long can the volume label be?
Volume labels may be between 0 and 11 characters in length.
Custom Volume Label
Pricing structure
Custom Volume Labels are so simple we don't even charge our customers to do them. Simply ask your sales representative and they will help you out.
Fee: $0.00 (Complimentary)
Production Time
Li ke many other services volume labels can be applied to your order without any delays to the production time.